
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

N64 Controller Support for GoldenEye?

The folks over at Eurcom seem to want every controller available for GoldenEye's return. Classic Controller, Wiimote+Nunchuck, Zapper, GameCube were all announced as supported- but apparently there is another controller that is supported.

In a recent interview at PAX Activision themselves confirmed support for the old N64 controller. Many of you may be thinking, how is it going to plug in? According to Joystick a new 3rd party adapter will be available in September. Activision clarified that N64 support will be available through 3rd party adapter. Perhaps there is a "retro" control scheme that ditches Dual Analog in favor of the original GoldenEye setup that hasn't been officially announced?

What do you think? If it was available would you play with the good old N64 controller?

Sources, skip  to 2:20 for the statement about N64 controller support.

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  1. I don't think I could go back to playing an FPS with one analog stick.

  2. has anyone used this 3rd party adapter to play this game yet

  3. Any update on this? Is it possible, does it work?
