
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Top Ten 3rd Party Graphical Achievements on Wii

While the Wii is no supreme powerhouse like its HD competitors, there are games that remind us how a game could look with some effort. Here are the top ten non-Nintendo games that remind us that a SD game can still look impressive.

Number 10: Deadly Creatures

While the game may not have sold a butt load of copies, overall the game was well received. Not only did the game have a great art-style but it had some impressive tech powering this gorgeous game. The models where incredibly detailed with fur effects and some nice texture work. Vast and varied levels for you to explore justifies this game's 10th spot.

Number 9: Darkside Chronicles

The next game on the list is Capcom's Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles. While Deadly Creatures didn't sell exceptionally well, DC sold an impressive (for a rail shooter) 632,581 copies. The game showcased some impressive visuals with great animations, and character models. This combined with the real-time lighting and CG cinematics gave the game a slick presentation, and a spot at number 9.

Number 8: No More Heroes 2

The first cell shaded beast to make the list, at number 8 is Suda51's No More Heroes 2. The game sports one of the most unique art styles to grace the system, combined with the great use of colors and ingame effects such as motion blur give this game a one of a kind look.

Number 7: Tatsunoko vs Capcom

The second cell-shaded, and second Capcom game to make the list is Tatsunoko vs Capcom. While Capcom's recent fighters have adapted a darker "black outline" look, this 2d fighter is a throwback to the colorful 2d sprites of the arcades. The game showcases some impressive attention to detail with some slick animations and great visual effects that makes launching Metsu Hadouken  greatly rewarding.

Number 6: Sonic Colors

While Sega's Sonic Colors hasn't even been released yet, the game packs a serious graphical punch. It looks like Sonic is getting some Galaxy treatment from Sega, the detail in the environments is amazing. The Engine seems to keep up with the fast paced action, giving this game an overall slick look. With visuals that can bypass the HD versions of Unleashed this game earns its 6th spot on the list.

Number 5: Monster Hunter Tri 

Here is another Capcom game makes it on the list. Monster Hunter Tri is one of the biggest and best games on the Wii. The game has ridiculously good animations that make the beasts look and feel deadly and real. Great looking environments to hunt in give this game a great outdoor atmosphere. The detail on the armor and weapons are as impressive as the giant and ferocious monsters. Monster Hunter Tri earns its spot on the list.
Number 4: Red Steel 2

Ubiosoft's Red Steel 2 slashes it way on the list, and it is the third cell-shaded game to appear. The game showcases some truly impressive artwork. The enemy design are excellent and the game is presented with a unique East meets West look. The game's engine keeps the slick animations and destruction at 60 fps. If you haven't checked out the game,  not only does it look incredible it is great fun.

Number 3: Silent Hill: Shattered Memories 

Climax's Silent Hill: Shattered Memories makes the top three. While some developers resort to a stylized look to bring the games to life, in Shattered Memories the game comes to life with an impressive real world look. The characters are able to convey emotions with the impressive facial animations. The game shows off an impressive engine capable of some great lighting and particle effects.

Number 2: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles : Crystal Bearers

Sqaure Enix's first appearance on the list makes its way through FF CC Crystal Bearers. While the game received mixed reviews from 10 all the way to 90, one thing that is certain is the games impressive visuals. The game features some of the best visuals on the system that can stand next to HD games in the same genre. The game features a giant world to explore, some great fur effects, crisp character models and great artwork. Combined with the care to detail and great cinematics Crystal Bears rightfully earns its spot as second best looking 3rd party game.

Number 1: Dead Space Extraction

The number one best looking 3rd party game on the Wii is without a doubt Dead Space Extraction. The character models are crisp, and the facial animations really convey the desperation of the characters. The game features impressive fire effects and explosions. The environment are atmospheric and the texture work is great. Lighting is especially well done and walking along the corridors is nerve racking.  The pictures may not convey everything that was just said but take a minute to watch some gameplay

videos, and if you haven't already pick the game up.
Not only are the character models insanely detailed, but all the necromorphs are subject to dismemberment. Although the game is being shipped with Dead Space 2, take the chance to see what Visceral and Eurocom were able to achieve on the Wii.

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